Friday, 24 February 2017


My fundraising page has reached 10%

Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far.

Next target £1,000


Plastic bottles, one of the worst culprits of disposable plastic, easily re-cycled but often found littering our streets and beaches.  This photo is from a building I made while doing my art degree.  I used about 2000 plastic bottles collected from the college's waste bins - there were no facilities for bottle recycling; I called it 'A Folly'.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

I'm making earrings to sell.  Made from waste plastic bottles, mostly found on the street.  Earrings have silver plated hooks and are sold in a biodegradable 'plastic' bag.  Sun catchers to hang in windows and cards of my art work nearly ready.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

This mixed media piece was one of the first I made using bits of rope found on a beach.  It's stitched onto a piece of printed paper and was one of a collection that I exhibited at the NEC Waste Recycling Exhibition 2010 - I sold the entire collection to a recycling company for their offices.


17 people have donated to my fundraising page, thank you very very much.  Total now 620 (I don't have a GBP sign on my laptop it being from the USA).  Still a long way to go to reach my target so please don't feel like you've missed out ;-)  And please please share this blog and my Facebook posts with your family and friends. I'll have cards and jewelry to sell in a week or so.

Marine Conservation Society

I contacted the MCS and they are very interested in being involved.  This is very exciting as I'd really like this expedition to be the start of something for me.

Saturday, 11 February 2017

plastic sunset

Gratitude, gratitude to all those who are donating to my fundraising page.

The above image is one of the first I took of plastic on my coastal visits and it has been a very popular image for cards; I particularly like it as a condolence card, it has a poignancy of farewell.

Ironically, over the years I have come to see the beauty in waste plastic, the bright colours, it's malleability and versatility.  However, I have used this beauty to highlight the extent of plastic littering our coastlines and, therefore, our seas.  Every piece of plastic that has ever been made still exists, unless it was burnt, in which case the toxic fumes are adding to the greenhouse effect.  Young people may not realise that when I was young, the most colourful bits on the beach were sea polished glass - there just wasn't any plastic.  Now it's rare to find a beach without a tide line of colour.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

After The Party

Our oceans and seas are full of the debris left over from our parties.  This was one of the first pieces I ever made after finding so many bits of helium balloons littering the beaches of South West Scotland.
Dirty beaches are one thing, the problem of plastic that has been floating about for decades, breaking down into ever small pieces is another and that's what this Exxpedition is setting out to research.

I want to say a massive thank you to the people who have already gone onto my Gofundme site and donated to make sure this research is done.

If you are inspired to contribute the link is

I'm in the process of making waste plastic gifts and cards to sell and as thank yous.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

So here's the ship, Sea Dragon, all 72 foot. Still massively excited.  There will be a crew of 10 women - sailing and researching.  5 months to go.

I have a GoFundMe page

Please check it out and if you can donate anything, it will be very appreciated.  I'm doing some incentives, cards of my sea plastic art, waste plastic earrings, broaches and artworks.